![Property Photo: Aerial photo of 281 Edgewood and surrounding homes.](/userfiles/media/images/12893/020photos281edgewoodap0040.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking at front of 281 Edgewood from front corner of the deck.](/userfiles/media/images/12890/040photos281edgewood016.jpg)
![Property Photo: Sitting area that is surrounded by glass windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12889/054photos281edgewood030.jpg)
![Property Photo: Large living room with lots of wood detailing. All wood is white except the natural hardwood floors.](/userfiles/media/images/12892/044photos281edgewood020.jpg)
![Property Photo: Green room off the kitchen that it staged with dining table, bench and chairs. Lots of storage and glass windows all around and skylights.](/userfiles/media/images/12891/063photos281edgewood040.jpg)
![Property Photo: Aerial photo of Edgewood Drive and you can see the bay in the distance.](/userfiles/media/images/12887/024photos281edgewoodap0080.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking down tree lined Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12872/113photos281edgewood090.jpg)
![Property Photo: Entryway. Staircase leads to upper level.](/userfiles/media/images/12825/041photos281edgewood017.jpg)
![Property Photo: Dining and sitting area off main entry. There is round dining table that seats 5.](/userfiles/media/images/12888/061photos281edgewood037.jpg)
![Property Photo: Sitting area that is surrounded by glass windows and french doors that open out to deck.](/userfiles/media/images/12832/053photos281edgewood029.jpg)
![Property Photo: Sitting area looking over to dining area. Walls and ceiling are white with lots of wood detailing.](/userfiles/media/images/12834/055photos281edgewood031.jpg)
![Property Photo: Dining area with lovely large round table. Main entry is doorway to the left.](/userfiles/media/images/12836/059photos281edgewood035.jpg)
![Property Photo: Living room that features stunning wood detailing, lots of windows that let in lots of natural light. Hard wood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12828/048photos281edgewood024.jpg)
![Property Photo: Living room has large fireplace with wood mantel. Two couches and large coffee table in the middle.](/userfiles/media/images/12830/050photos281edgewood026.jpg)
![Property Photo: Living room had wood beam detail on ceiling and hardwood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12829/049photos281edgewood025.jpg)
![Property Photo: Another photo of living room showing scale of room. Very large space that has built in area with bookshelf.](/userfiles/media/images/12827/047photos281edgewood023.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking into living room from the entryway. Small chair near windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12824/042photos281edgewood018.jpg)
![Property Photo: Kitchen has L shaped counter. There is an area for three barstools at counter.](/userfiles/media/images/12921/IMG-1664.jpg)
![Property Photo: Kitchen has large windows that look out to the hill behind home.](/userfiles/media/images/12918/IMG-1661.jpg)
![Property Photo: Photo of windows in kitchen that look out to the rocky hill behind the home.](/userfiles/media/images/12920/IMG-1665.jpg)
![Property Photo: Green room off of kitchen. Nice large table with lots of built it cabinets and lots of windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12841/065photos281edgewood042.jpg)
![Property Photo: Green room does have door that opens to side yard.](/userfiles/media/images/12845/069photos281edgewood046.jpg)
![Property Photo: Skylights let in lots of natural light.](/userfiles/media/images/12846/071photos281edgewood048.jpg)
![Property Photo: At the top of staircase looking at front guest room.](/userfiles/media/images/12849/076photos281edgewood053.jpg)
![Property Photo: Large bedroom that has king size bed and grand, large, wooden doors that are rounded at the top.](/userfiles/media/images/12853/081photos281edgewood058.jpg)
![Property Photo: This bedroom has windows behind and on the right side of bed. Hardwood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12852/080photos281edgewood057.jpg)
![Property Photo: This large bedroom has large sitting area at backside of room.](/userfiles/media/images/12854/085photos281edgewood062.jpg)
![Property Photo:](/userfiles/media/images/12902/086photos281edgewood063.jpg)
![Property Photo: Sitting area in bedroom has chaise small glass table. There also are french doors that open up to the back yard area.](/userfiles/media/images/12901/089photos281edgewood066.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking over chaise in the large sitting area.](/userfiles/media/images/12903/090photos281edgewood067.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking over bedroom from Sitting area. Very large room with lots of windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12904/091photos281edgewood068.jpg)
![Property Photo: Photo inside bedroom looking at the large wooden doors at room doorway.](/userfiles/media/images/12856/087photos281edgewood064.jpg)
![Property Photo: At top of stairway. Large bedroom to the left and anther guest room to the right.](/userfiles/media/images/12905/074photos281edgewood051.jpg)
![Property Photo: This guest room has stunning chevron wood detailing on the ceiling. There is a queen bed with two bedside tables.](/userfiles/media/images/12861/093photos281edgewood070.jpg)
![Property Photo: Another view of the guest room. Hardwood floors through out, and built int storage cabinets under windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12862/094photos281edgewood071.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking at stairway from upper level. Lots of wood details on walls and ceiling.](/userfiles/media/images/12848/075photos281edgewood052.jpg)
![Property Photo: Guest room has large windows on three sides that look out onto Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12863/096photos281edgewood073.jpg)
![Property Photo: Guest room that is staged as a children's room. Harwood floors with nice large windows that look out onto Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12865/098photos281edgewood075.jpg)
![Property Photo: Primary has high/slanted ceiling with large windows that look out to the back of hill that has lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12867/103photos281edgewood080.jpg)
![Property Photo: Primary bedroom has a king bed, large windows and on suite bath.](/userfiles/media/images/12869/106photos281edgewood083.jpg)
![Property Photo: Office area that looks out to Edgewood. Large glass table in in front of tow large windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12866/100photos281edgewood077.jpg)
![Property Photo: Updated guest bathroom has tub/shower with vanity and toilet.](/userfiles/media/images/12870/109photos281edgewood086.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking out at all the greenery from deck. Lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12882/039photos281edgewood015.jpg)
![Property Photo: Looking down deck. Light blue railings, and a large seating area. Lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12907/036photos281edgewood012.jpg)
![Property Photo: Photo of deck area with french doors that are open and lead into living/dining space.](/userfiles/media/images/12906/038photos281edgewood014.jpg)
![Property Photo: Aerial photo of 281 Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12885/021photos281edgewoodap0050.jpg)
![Property Photo: Aerial photo of the stunning Edgewood neighborhood. Large homes and trees decorate this street.](/userfiles/media/images/12763/001ap004.jpeg)
![Property Photo: Photo looking down Edgewood. It is a beautiful tree lined brick road.](/userfiles/media/images/12871/112photos281edgewood089.jpg)
![Property Photo: Aerial photo. You can see Kesar Stadium, Golden Gate Park, and the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.](/userfiles/media/images/12910/015photos281edgewoodap015.jpg)
![Property Photo: Floor Plan for 281 Edgewood done by Open Homes.](/userfiles/media/images/12917/Floor-plan.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Aerial photo of 281 Edgewood and surrounding homes.](/userfiles/media/images/12893/thumb_020photos281edgewoodap0040.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking at front of 281 Edgewood from front corner of the deck.](/userfiles/media/images/12890/thumb_040photos281edgewood016.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Sitting area that is surrounded by glass windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12889/thumb_054photos281edgewood030.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Large living room with lots of wood detailing. All wood is white except the natural hardwood floors.](/userfiles/media/images/12892/thumb_044photos281edgewood020.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Green room off the kitchen that it staged with dining table, bench and chairs. Lots of storage and glass windows all around and skylights.](/userfiles/media/images/12891/thumb_063photos281edgewood040.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Aerial photo of Edgewood Drive and you can see the bay in the distance.](/userfiles/media/images/12887/thumb_024photos281edgewoodap0080.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking down tree lined Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12872/thumb_113photos281edgewood090.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Entryway. Staircase leads to upper level.](/userfiles/media/images/12825/thumb_041photos281edgewood017.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Dining and sitting area off main entry. There is round dining table that seats 5.](/userfiles/media/images/12888/thumb_061photos281edgewood037.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Sitting area that is surrounded by glass windows and french doors that open out to deck.](/userfiles/media/images/12832/thumb_053photos281edgewood029.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Sitting area looking over to dining area. Walls and ceiling are white with lots of wood detailing.](/userfiles/media/images/12834/thumb_055photos281edgewood031.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Dining area with lovely large round table. Main entry is doorway to the left.](/userfiles/media/images/12836/thumb_059photos281edgewood035.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Living room that features stunning wood detailing, lots of windows that let in lots of natural light. Hard wood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12828/thumb_048photos281edgewood024.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Living room has large fireplace with wood mantel. Two couches and large coffee table in the middle.](/userfiles/media/images/12830/thumb_050photos281edgewood026.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Living room had wood beam detail on ceiling and hardwood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12829/thumb_049photos281edgewood025.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Another photo of living room showing scale of room. Very large space that has built in area with bookshelf.](/userfiles/media/images/12827/thumb_047photos281edgewood023.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking into living room from the entryway. Small chair near windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12824/thumb_042photos281edgewood018.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Kitchen has L shaped counter. There is an area for three barstools at counter.](/userfiles/media/images/12921/thumb_IMG-1664.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Kitchen has large windows that look out to the hill behind home.](/userfiles/media/images/12918/thumb_IMG-1661.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Photo of windows in kitchen that look out to the rocky hill behind the home.](/userfiles/media/images/12920/thumb_IMG-1665.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Green room off of kitchen. Nice large table with lots of built it cabinets and lots of windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12841/thumb_065photos281edgewood042.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Green room does have door that opens to side yard.](/userfiles/media/images/12845/thumb_069photos281edgewood046.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Skylights let in lots of natural light.](/userfiles/media/images/12846/thumb_071photos281edgewood048.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: At the top of staircase looking at front guest room.](/userfiles/media/images/12849/thumb_076photos281edgewood053.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Large bedroom that has king size bed and grand, large, wooden doors that are rounded at the top.](/userfiles/media/images/12853/thumb_081photos281edgewood058.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: This bedroom has windows behind and on the right side of bed. Hardwood floors through out.](/userfiles/media/images/12852/thumb_080photos281edgewood057.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: This large bedroom has large sitting area at backside of room.](/userfiles/media/images/12854/thumb_085photos281edgewood062.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail:](/userfiles/media/images/12902/thumb_086photos281edgewood063.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Sitting area in bedroom has chaise small glass table. There also are french doors that open up to the back yard area.](/userfiles/media/images/12901/thumb_089photos281edgewood066.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking over chaise in the large sitting area.](/userfiles/media/images/12903/thumb_090photos281edgewood067.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking over bedroom from Sitting area. Very large room with lots of windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12904/thumb_091photos281edgewood068.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Photo inside bedroom looking at the large wooden doors at room doorway.](/userfiles/media/images/12856/thumb_087photos281edgewood064.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: At top of stairway. Large bedroom to the left and anther guest room to the right.](/userfiles/media/images/12905/thumb_074photos281edgewood051.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: This guest room has stunning chevron wood detailing on the ceiling. There is a queen bed with two bedside tables.](/userfiles/media/images/12861/thumb_093photos281edgewood070.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Another view of the guest room. Hardwood floors through out, and built int storage cabinets under windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12862/thumb_094photos281edgewood071.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking at stairway from upper level. Lots of wood details on walls and ceiling.](/userfiles/media/images/12848/thumb_075photos281edgewood052.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Guest room has large windows on three sides that look out onto Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12863/thumb_096photos281edgewood073.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Guest room that is staged as a children's room. Harwood floors with nice large windows that look out onto Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12865/thumb_098photos281edgewood075.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Primary has high/slanted ceiling with large windows that look out to the back of hill that has lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12867/thumb_103photos281edgewood080.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Primary bedroom has a king bed, large windows and on suite bath.](/userfiles/media/images/12869/thumb_106photos281edgewood083.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Office area that looks out to Edgewood. Large glass table in in front of tow large windows.](/userfiles/media/images/12866/thumb_100photos281edgewood077.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Updated guest bathroom has tub/shower with vanity and toilet.](/userfiles/media/images/12870/thumb_109photos281edgewood086.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking out at all the greenery from deck. Lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12882/thumb_039photos281edgewood015.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Looking down deck. Light blue railings, and a large seating area. Lots of trees.](/userfiles/media/images/12907/thumb_036photos281edgewood012.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Photo of deck area with french doors that are open and lead into living/dining space.](/userfiles/media/images/12906/thumb_038photos281edgewood014.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Aerial photo of 281 Edgewood.](/userfiles/media/images/12885/thumb_021photos281edgewoodap0050.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Aerial photo of the stunning Edgewood neighborhood. Large homes and trees decorate this street.](/userfiles/media/images/12763/thumb_001ap004.jpeg)
![Property Thumbnail: Photo looking down Edgewood. It is a beautiful tree lined brick road.](/userfiles/media/images/12871/thumb_112photos281edgewood089.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Aerial photo. You can see Kesar Stadium, Golden Gate Park, and the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance.](/userfiles/media/images/12910/thumb_015photos281edgewoodap015.jpg)
![Property Thumbnail: Floor Plan for 281 Edgewood done by Open Homes.](/userfiles/media/images/12917/thumb_Floor-plan.jpg)
Sold: Cole Valley
Elegant Hillside Single-Family Home
281 Edgewood Ave $2,925,000
Features and Amenities
Discover 281 Edgewood Avenue, a rarely available single-family residence, sited beautifully on a double-wide woodland lot. This one-of-a-kind four-bed, three-bath, one-car home boasts a woodsy vibe and Marin-like setting. The sunny, handsome 1916 Craftsman-style residence is firmly anchored to the outdoors and surrounded by nature's beauty: roses, camellias, maple trees, lovely tree ferns, bamboo, and plums. The home features an architecturally impressive design, a gorgeous primary suite with a sitting room, detailed woodwork, and breathtaking craftsmanship.
Fully detached and beautifully built, 281 Edgewood is lovely from floor to ceiling, with exquisite beamed ceilings, oak wood floors, and pretty leaded glass windows in the formal dining and living room. The main level features an updated kitchen, dining room, living room, full bath, hobby room, and solarium that opens seamlessly to an expansive 400-square-foot walkout deck. The verdant sights, fragrant smells, and soothing sounds of the woodland envelop the house, creating an unparalleled indoor/outdoor living experience.
Upstairs you will find four bedrooms, two full baths, and an office. The residence also provides plenty of room for guests, vistas, and space to work from home, plus significant storage below the deck and a newer one-car garage (2 with garage stacker).
Family-owned for 60+ years, this rare property is built on the coveted flat portion of Edgewood and is just a few steps from the fantastic trails of Sutro forest. The natural elements, brilliant sunlight, tranquil vibe, and distinctive feel of this section of Edgewood are simply incomparable. Homeowners in this area cherish the exclusive environment so much that they rarely move - making it a real challenge to obtain property here.
281 Edgewood Avenue is a remarkable piece of San Francisco architecture and a rare real estate opportunity– see it while you can! Learn more about the property via my blog, an exclusive photo tour of the elegant hillside home.